The Daily Quaker Message is an invitation to practice your own walk on the Quaker path. Daily Quaker emails have three parts: a short Quaker message to meditate on (often a quote, but sometimes a song, a poem, a piece of art, or a video), an exercise to try in your own life, and a query.

We curate Daily Quaker Messages from diverse sources: from different eras of history, and from people of different backgrounds and beliefs. One of the strengths of Quakerism is its ability to make room for the ministry of all Friends. We hope each message has a kernel that speaks to your condition.

Today’s Message

  • by Ruthie Tippin
    "What is your first instinct – your first act – when you walk into a dark room? Mine is to find a light switch… to turn on a light! I want to know where I am, to see where I’m going. I want to be able to find my way.  In the creation story, the first thing God did was to flip on a light switch.  God spoke, and light came. The earth was formless, dark and empty, and God spoke light into being. 'God called the light Day and the darkness God called Night.'" The post The Purpose of […]